WashingtonJade.com is owned and operated by Bull Trout Jade LLC for the benefit of the Washington jade community and culture.
Paul Pigott. Member. Paul Pigott has extensive experience with startup & small businesses in both technology and manufacturing. He founded, co-founded or invested in a number of pre-IPO companies including Gear.com (Overstock.com), Avenue A, and Coinstar. He currently sits on the board of Indieflix.com, an online independent film producer and streaming service. As owner & CEO he has developed Madrona Specialty Foods LLC (dba La Panzanella) into the largest specialty cracker company in the US.
Rodney C Cook, Ph.D. Member Manager. Dr. Cook is a recognized serial entrepreneur. Currently Rod is also the member manager of Bull Trout Capital LLC and Vermillion Metals LLC. Dr. Cook currently consults on strategic matters for a few select clients and serves as Chief Scientist for Commerce Signals. Prior to Bull Trout he was the author of the FishWrapper, a private investment newsletter, and the Obscene Prophets website. Before Bull Trout he founded Sightward and authored patents (now owned by InfoUSA) to forecast human behavior using the internet; co-founded Ark Interface (purchased by Packard Bell and now owned by xSides) to develop and patent innovative computer user interfaces; founded Optimas (purchased by FLIR and now owned by Media Cybernetics) for medical and scientific image processing systems; and founded BioSonics’ Imaging division and developed their Optical Pattern Recognition System. Dr. Cook has extensive environmental consulting experience and began this career as Chief Biometrician for the International Pacific Salmon Commission applying his doctoral dissertation in applied pattern recognition from the University of Washington College of Ocean and Fisheries Science.
Nathaniel Cook. President. Nathaniel comes to Washington Jade fresh out of the University of Washington Honors Program. He was a Mary Gates Endowed Scholar as well as a DeEtte McAuslan Stuart Scholar and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in physiology and a minor in mathematics. An Edmonds local, he also graduated valedictorian of Edmonds-Woodway High School in 2008. As acting President of Washington Jade, Nathaniel is intimately involved with all day-to-day operations of the company, including field operation of geophysical instruments, in-field interpretation of geophysical data to form 3-dimensional mental models of exploration areas, mapping and description of exploration targets and future claims, inventory management, marketing, and sales. In addition, as jade mining and processing is a very hands-on endeavor, Nathaniel has begun his own carving work. Having discovered a particular affinity for this aspect of the business, he devotes as much time as possible to demonstrating the carving potential of Bull Trout's precious and semi-precious stones.
Informal Advisory Board. Bull Trout Jade is grateful for the advice and assistance of recognized experts in key areas, and for the opportunity to develop professional relationships as the company grows. Scott West retired from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Investigation Division, where he served as the Special Agent-in-Charge of three different EPA regions, after almost twenty years of service. For the past ten years, Mr. West has been engaged in the enforcement of international conservation treaties and protocols and in the protection of marine wildlife. His extensive investigative experience coupled with his environmental expertise helps identify and find solutions to past, current, and potential problems and liabilities. Ed Molsee’s extensive prospecting experience and historical perspective has been enormously helpful and is deeply appreciated. Dean Briske, the owner operator of Princess Jade, has provided exploration guidance as we dissect our increasingly large boulders and develop field methods for handling them. With decades of land use background, Steve Brinn of the Raptor Group has provided valuable perspective on our “local first” and “green mining” agendas.
March 2017
December 2016
October 2016
November 2015
April 2015
Nathaniel Cook - Zi Gang Bei International Jade Exhibition (September 2016)
Washington Jade - Strategic Metals Assay (September 2018)
Please bookmark our website at www.washingtonjade.com where we provide information on Washington State jade jewelry, carvings, artisanal products, and jade rough for sale. Be sure to join our email list and follow the adventure by liking us on Facebook.